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Discovering America Podcast

This podcast will be a history narrative collected from various sources.  I will be covering the stories of events and people that played a part in creating America.  My goal is to give the listener an entertaining dialog of history and walk away (or ear away) with a, “I didn’t know that”, feeling.

Aug 29, 2017

Bradford was a well respected Governor and was not allowed to retire. He and the colonists had to put up with what Weston’s group had done among the Indians and the Plymouth trouble makers John Lyford and Oldame passing letters filled with untruths back to England. Captain Standish led his group against a group of...

Aug 6, 2017

With the arrival of the Fortune, more colonists were added to Plymouth and not being well prepared, more of a hindrance than anything else. Next to show up is a group of adventurers posing to establish a new colony in Virginia. An unruly bunch counters to the civilized Puritans.  The Puritans had demonstrated their...